New: Hormone Therapy Opportunity in Tampa, Florida!!
Seeking Family Medicine or General Practice physician.
The hours are 11 am to 7 PM, they have 4 clinics. Doctor will travel to all visits within 30 miles of each other.
Client has a Wellness clinic for patients to experience an integrative approach to medical wellness and weight loss that focuses on Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, Medical Weight Loss, Nutrition and Exercise. The medical team is comprised of on-staff physicians, registered dieticians, clinical nutritionists, medical assistants and personal trainers, and assigned to each patient to ensure success.
Medical Doctor will provide personal attention to the patient as their personal advisor, asses lab results, form a treatment plan that will be adjusted as needed, and ensure patient goals are reached safely
Quoted from client's information: "By taking an integrative approach, we can determine the most suitable blend of Medical Weight Loss, Bio Identical Hormone Therapy, Clinical Nutrition and Fitness that will suit each individual.
Schedule required diagnostic testing to analyze our patients' current health and well-being
Doctor interprets lab results, health histories, and meets with patient to LISTEN to their symptoms and discuss their goals"