Plastic Surgery Opportunities in Metro Dallas, Texas!!
Our Client is a rapidly expanding company in the cosmetic surgical services industry. Founded in 2010 as a liposuction specialty clinic, the business now operates in six states and is rapidly expanding.
Since its inception in 2010, client has broadened its list of services to include full body and facial cosmetic surgery. Advertising campaigns continue to focus on body contouring and rejuvenation of the aging face.
There are 2 main business models used by the company:
1) Brick and Mortar Model: In this model, Client leases a space in a given location with on-site accredited facilities. Heavy advertising campaigns utilizing primarily television, radio, and the internet are employed for lead generation. Leads are filtered through a call center and added to center schedules. Each brick and mortar office has, at a minimum, an office manager, sales consultants, surgical technicians and a nurse. The office pays for all expenses. Plastic surgeons are engaged either as full time employees or as contractors by the company and paid a fee for their services. Full time physician positions are ideal for those individuals who simply wish to practice the art of cosmetic surgery without dealing with the hassles of office management, etc. Typical compensation for full time surgeons at Client center is significantly greater than typical plastic surgeon salary. There
is no hospital call since it is purely cosmetic in nature although hospital affiliation at a local hospital is required.
2) Affiliate Model: In this model, the business operates out of an established physician's office which MUST have an internal accredited operating room. Ideal physicians are those who can consolidate their own practices into 2-3 days who wish to increase their income significantly. This model is similar to the brick and mortar model in that Client does a heavy marketing campaign fielded by a call center that then sends patients to the center. However, in this case, the center is the established physician's office. Client employs an on-site patient coordinator and sales representative to help in procurement of cosmetic cases for the physician. In addition, our Client pays a portion of the physician's expenses AND expenses to cover all surgical cases.