Seeking a Family Medicine Physician for Primary Care Office located near Philadelphia!!

Doctors Choice Placement
April 26, 2014
Northeast/Mid Atlantic, PA
Job Type


Seeking a Family Medicine Physician for Primary Care Office located near Philadelphia!!

100% Outpatient only!

Responsible for the personal, primary care of his or her patients. This responsibility includes the provision of and attention to the care of major and minor illnesses, to long range issues of health and disease and to the needs for specialty consultation.

Characteristics duties and responsibilities:

1. Physician shall maintain appropriate medical records relating to all patients treated by him/her in a timely manner.

2. Physician shall assist in supervising and training the medical staff as requested by the owners.

3. Physician shall comply with the employee policies of the office.

4. Depending on contract, Physician shall maintain a minimum of 20-40 hours per week available for appointments with patients.

Salary Range: $160,000-$180,000 to start (higher with experience). Full benefits package.

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