Tips for Working with a Doctor Placement Service

If you’ve never used a doctor placement service, you might be nervous—or just curious about some of the best practices. Here are a few tips to help make your experience a good one.

    1. Don’t work with too many different recruiters. Top level recruiters will often have access to the same jobs, and over-shopping your resume can result in confusion. Also, distributing your resume too widely can attract negative attention, with organizations wondering if there’s a problem with your history.


    1. Know your wants and needs. The more clearly you can express to the recruiter your absolute needs versus wants that you’re looking for in a practice, the easier it will be for them to help you.


    1. Be honest about your availability. Recruitment services are more than happy to help you find the right fit, and if that means turning down some opportunities, that’s okay! But using recruitment services strictly to conduct research is frowned upon. If employers offer you positions that you’re constantly turning down, it can negatively affect your brand in the future.


For more information, call (800)510-0975 or visit today!

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